Ethics and integrity in research and training

paths of a journey (still) to be made - the portuguese case




The main objective of this article is to discuss the role and place that ethics and scientific integrity play in the researcher training process in Portugal. After analyzing the path initially taken by higher education institutions through the creation of Codes of Ethics and Codes of Conduct as preventive measures aimed at promoting academic and scientific integrity, the discussion of this theme focuses on the fact that it cannot be limited to the normative aspects that regulate scientific activity. Thus, it is concluded that this dimension should be complemented with a research ethics curriculum for all researchers that values, among other aspects, the ethical-valorative philosophical thinking of scientific and academic integrity that should be present in the training content of researchers.


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Author Biography

Ana Paula da Silveira Simões Pedro, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)

Ana Pedro is a lecturer at the University of Aveiro, Department of Education and Psychology (DEP) in philosophical ethics in education, psychology and health. She holds a degree in Philosophy, a Master's degree in Epistemology and Theory of Knowledge from the Catholic University of Braga and a PhD in Philosophy of Education from the University of Aveiro. Her research interests are in the areas of research ethics in education with children and young people; democracy, education and political and social philosophy. She has participated and coordinated some projects in the area of education and philosophy. She is the author of several publications (books, book chapters, articles in national and foreign journals). She is a member of the scientific committees of several foreign journals in the field of education as editor-in-chief. She was a member of the International Review Panel of the HERA for Humanities (Netherlands), the FCT Education Evaluation Panel (Portugal), the Evaluation Panel of the Regional Fund for Science and Technology of the Azores and the Ethics and Deontology Council of the University of Aveiro. She is currently Erasmus coordinator at DEP-UA.


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How to Cite

Pedro, A. P. da S. S. . (2023). Ethics and integrity in research and training: paths of a journey (still) to be made - the portuguese case. Horizontes, 41(1), e023049.



Seção Temática: Ética em Pesquisa de Educação e Integridade Acadêmica